Tuesday, February 13, 2007

when the cars align...

I have these epiphanies every so often. They are these moments where everything lines up. And I’m not always sure why. This morning lined up. And I have no clue how or why.

I woke up and watched sportscenter and looked over my Spanish homework.

I ate dry cheerios and orange juice.

I sang Fallout Boy’s new song “It’s not a scene, it’s an arms race” with slightly modified lyrics while I showered. (“it’s not a song, it’s a *** **** sell out”)

I listened to Sufjan Stevens’ Illinois while I drove to school. The weather was kind of weird, through. It was really overcast, but still bright because of yesterday’s snow.

And that was it. Nothing special. But nothing will ever be as special.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

el fin de semana

It's been a good weekend.

Saturday night was Brier's recital. Amazing. I don't really know how to describe it. Just absurdly good.

Sunday night was the Super Bowl. That was beautiful. Rex Grossman for Super Bowl MVP!!

I quit my job as a mindless drone of the coporate overlords. A weight has been lifted off my shoulders.

Here are some lyrics from the Cold War Kids. Enjoy.

Look up from the hymnal,
Look 'round at the faces
Of families closing their eyes
We're taking Communion
And passing the offering
Hat around at the same time

I reached for the hat and take all the cash
And slide it into my ragged coat sleeve
And leave in its place a note to explain
All of the reasons that Spirit has led me to leave

If there was a worthy cause for to give to,
May I be so bold as to say?
The givers not knowing where their money's going
Is as sinful as throwing away.