Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Forgiveness and purple toothbrushes

Relationships are about trust. Without trust, there can be no relationship. When that trust is broken, it takes time to mend. I am in that process right now.

I moved to Clyman a few months ago. Before I moved in, there had been some plumbing problems and flood damage. As a result, the kitchen was newly remodeled and some work had been done to the bathroom. I was excited to be finally living in my own place. After 22 years of my parent's house, dorms, and barracks, I finally was renting my own place. But alas--there were dark clouds over paradise.

My toilet didn't flush right. If you were only there for number one, everything was fine. Number two, however... well, let's just not talk about it. I was heartbroken. There is a sacred bond between a man and his toilet. Like I said, relationships are all about trust. The toilet trusts me-- that I will not overfill it, that I will use a reasonable amount of toilet paper, and that I will keep it clean. And in return, I put my trust in the toilet--that when I deposit a reasonable amount in it, that it will take it away and ensure a clean and fresh smelling bathroom. That trust had been broken. One does not lightly concede such a valued friendship. Three times I called the landlord, and still the same issue.

But finally, a light appeared at the end of my irregular tunnel. My uncle, Al Shoup--a professional plumber, came riding into Clyman upon his white steed. (Actually, it was a Ford van, but just bear with me.) To the house, up the stairs, and into the bathroom he came, not stopping until he had retrieved a purple toothbrush from the soft underbelly of my plumbing.

So today's story has a happy ending. And as my toilet and I try to put back the shattered pieces of our lives, one bowel movement at a time, there is a lesson in this story for all of us. Do not betray your loved one's trust, be patient and willing to forgive when your trust is betrayed, and beware of purple toothbrushes.

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Happy Spanksgiving!!

As my Packers continue their race with the Texans for Reggie Bush, I thought I would remind you all that I'm not dead.

First of all, a belated Happy Spanksgiving to everybody.

Friday's USA Today had some stuff I wanted to talk about, but I don't have the paper with me right now, so I'll wait to post that stuff.

This morning, Pastor preached on the second commandment. He talked about how the first commandment is to prevent polytheism. The second commandment is more concerning the way you worship. The second commandment was dealing specifically with a golden calf situation. The graven images weren't necessarily about other gods. The graven images were simply human representations of Jehovah. The implications of this commandment were and still are enormous. God didn't want His people to need some earthy representation of Him. He didn't want them to be able to just depend on something tangible or comfortable. He wanted their worship to be purely about Him. Now, what does that mean to us today? How much of our worship is purely about God? And how much of our worship is about today's modern 'graven images?' What do you think today's graven images are? It strikes me that it is possible that a great deal of what we do to "worship" is really just man's representation of God.

Tell me what you think.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

More about me

My profile says Madison/Milwaukee. This is because I hate the bumblehick area in which I now reside (which lies directly between Milwaukee and Madison). I grew up in Milwaukee, and hopefully will be living in Madison by this time next year.

I dabble in history, literature, music, and philosophy. Generally, I like being relatively well-versed culturally. A goal of mine is to be able to discuss equally existentialism, the writings of Dante, and Led Zepplin.

I am a Christian. I was raised a fundamentalist Baptist, but I'm not really sure what I am now. I think I am more of a postmodernist non-denominational, but I'm not sure. I've been reading a lot lately, and stuff is starting to make sense now that I am looking at it differently.

I am getting married to Jessica Van Hall on December 17. I am pretty excited about it. Our wedding is going to be really cool. But that is because I am cooler than you.

I am a big Packers, Bucks, Brewers, and Badgers fan. Yes, some of my teams suck. Screw you.

I am starting this blog for a few reasons. First, because I am bored. Second, because I need to make myself put my thoughts down in writing somehow. Third, because I hope that it will provide a forum for discussing postmodernism as it relates to Christianity. So hopefully, some of the posts on this blog will represent serious discussion, some creative outlet, and some just random crap to fill my day.

Love, peace, and chicken grease

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Hello imbeciles

hey-this is my blog. don't wear it out