Sunday, January 08, 2006

May God have mercy on our nation

I don't even know where to start. I am physically sickened by an article that I read in today's (Saturday's) JournalSentinel. It makes me furious. It makes me sad. It makes me wish I had never attended a Baptist church. It offends me as a Christian. It offends me as a soldier and as a veteran. It offends me as an American. It offends me as a human being.

Members of Westboro Baptist Church, of Topeka, Kansas, have held demonstrations at three funerals of Wisconsin National Guard soldiers killed in Iraq. They hold signs that say, "Thank God for dead soldiers" and "Thank God for IEDs." IED is the military acronym for Improvised Explosive Devices, or roadside bombs. IEDs are probably the greatest threat to soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan. Members of WBC also "celebrated the deaths of the 12 West Virginia miners" this week. Celebrated. The article also quotes one of the protesters as saying "(God's) weapon of choice is the IED, so our forum of choice must be these soldiers' funerals." On their website, they have posted what is apparently a church bulletin/newsletter or possibly a press release. Quote, "Thank God for dead soldiers and dead vets." "Pray for more American bodies blown to smithereens by cheap home made Iraqi IEDs". And don't think that they were silent about hurricane Katrina. "Pray for more dead bodies floating on the fag-semen-rancid waters of New Orleans."

The message of this church is that America has "bought into the lie that it's ok to be gay", and that terrorism and recent natural disasters, including but not limited to Hurrican Katrina, the droughts in Oklahoma and Texas, and the mine accident in West Virginia are God's way of punishing a country of "fags" and "fag enablers". On a message statement on their website,, it says, "This (the war in Iraq) is the means by which God is punishing America, and nothing is going to change that fact. We're going to stay on message no matter how many talking heads churn up new ideas, polls, strategies, theories, and so forth. You don't define us; our duty to God does. Whether it's by hurricane, IED, terrorists, or other means, God is punishing this nation. He has become an active enemy fighting against America. That is our message, and we will apply the scriptures like workmen who needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth, giving it timely, topical, relevant, effective, notorious application." Their "gospel" message: "1. Repent or Perish - Any nation that condones, promotes, or protects homosexuality will be utterly destroyed by God. 2. All nations must immediately pass and enforce laws that make sodomy a CAPITAL CRIME- punishable by DEATH! This would be proof of genuine repentance! 3. All nations must cease and desist the making of laws threatening God's preachers with prison for denouncing sodomite sins." (Emphasis not mine.) Points 2 and 3, along with almost everything on the website, are accompanied by Bible references. At one point the website claims that it "is a sin not to rejoice when God executes His wrath and vengeance upon America", and that "it is a sin to pray for the good of this evil fag nation."

I am at a loss. I no longer know what I can say. I don't know how to express the pain and disgust and sadness I am feeling right now.

One of the saddest parts of their website, to me, is a video of their demonstration at the funeral of Sgt. Andrew Wallace, the demonstration that garnered the attention of the Milwaukee JournalSentinel. It is video allegedly showing how their Constitutional rights to free speech were violated by Dodge county Sheriff Todd Nehls, who allegedly punched one of the protesters. I watched the video twice, and it does not show any actual violence done by the sheriff. It also clearly shows that the officer was doing his best to keep the situation in control and staying within his rights as a law enforcement officer. But what was sad to me was that they had children with them. The video clearly shows two boys, between the ages of 5 and 9. One was dragging a flag and holding a sign that says, "Thank God for Dead Soldiers."

I still don't know what to say. Part of me wants to write a journalistic condemnation of this organization. Part of me wants to write a Biblical rebuttal to their false gospel. Part of me wants to analyze their logic and compare it to logic used in circles that I live in, but none of these articles that I want to write could express the emotion that is threatening to burst out of my veins. I want to cry, I want to vomit, I want to scream. I want the world to know that this isn't God. I want the world to know that these people are no more followers of Christ than the Branch Davidians. I want the world to know that, when He was on this earth, Christ went out of His way to reach out to those attacked and marginalized by the religious elite. He went through Samaria, and He told the Pharisees that only those without sin could cast stones. The people He ate with were hookers, lowlives, and poor people. I want the world to know that I have acquaintances and coworkers that are homosexual, and I have never been more ashamed of our nation and culture as when I was at this website. I want to beg for their forgiveness. I want to tell homosexuals in the military that I admire their courage and dedication to our country. I admire that they would join the military to serve in defense of our nation, despite the fact that they knew there would be endless abuse and harrassment. I am proud to serve beside them.

I want to be part of a culture that doesn't use religion as a weapon. As a tool to promote their own bigotries and predjudices. I want to be a part of a culture of respect and honor. And I want to be part of a world where this doesn't happen.


Blogger justinic9 said...

What to say? The problems with this church's understanding of God are obvious. May God grant us the grace to see the flaws in our thinking as clearly as we see it in theirs.

9:57 PM, January 09, 2006  
Blogger mikeyames said...

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1:30 PM, January 10, 2006  
Blogger mikeyames said...

It is not hard to be an extremist. Extremism is the easiest thing in the world, don't you think? You don't have to think, or wade through the difficult stuff. You just swing to one side without discretion or thought.

This is about your response to life.

What about your response to this Fred Phelps?

Who would you rather choose to kick out of the lifeboat-- Phelps, Saddam, or Hitler?

Don't answer too fast, because as you know, Dale, it's the wrong question about the wrong scenario.
How do we deal with the fact that God loves everybody? Even the people who think that God loves only them? -- yes, God loves that person too.

So maybe Fred Phelps teaches us more than we know. Not how to argue with him, but how not to live, act or think. Can we get to a point where we thank evil for the good lesson? I mean, we can thank God too, but...

1:33 PM, January 10, 2006  
Blogger Dave Marriott said...

Dale, I was also filled with what I think was righteous anger and I sent an email to that "pastor." I wrote,
"As one who belongs to the risen Christ and a Baptist by conviction, I am offended by your claims. I think you have lost sight of God's grace in your own life. I know that Romans 1 condemns homosexuality, but Romans 2:1 condemns those who condemn others when they themselves have committed so many acts of adultery in their minds. You know God says that adulterers have their part in hell and no part in heaven. Sir, if you have looked upon a woman to lust, you are just as condemned as the homosexual. I think you need to read a fresh batch of Matthew 18, where we realize that "nobody owes me anything, when I owe Christ everything." You are an offense to the gospel of Jesus Christ and I am confident you will answer for your web page one day. Please re-evaluate your message."

I hope I did not stoop to his level.

9:02 PM, January 26, 2006  
Blogger Noah said...

Sadness. Lord, please do a work in the hearts and lives of those people. More importantly, help us to be humble. May we be more like the tax collector who repented in light of how he compared to You than the Pharisee who was always comparing himself to others around him. Help us to always be conscious of the fact that we are to be Your ambassadors. May we never forget that there isn't a moment of our lives that we can let down our guard and not properly represent You. In Your Heavenly Name I pray, Jesus....

6:46 PM, February 09, 2006  

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