Friday, May 19, 2006

Are you reading 1% because you think you're fat? Because you're not. You could be reading whole.

This isn't going to be very long. I am headed across the lake to Michigan. Since my wife is from Michigan, I will refrain from any characterizations of that...umm...illustrious...state. Please feel free to express your characterizations in the comment area.

I just wanted to post to express the majesty of this past week's intellectual diet. In the past week I have read The Bridge of San Luis Rey by Thorton Wilder, Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness, Everything is Illuminated by Jonathan Safran Foer, and parts of Terror in the Name of God by Jessica Stern, Velvet Elvis by Rob Bell, and George Orwell's classic 1984. I have also watched Citizen Kane, Blackhawk Down, Walk the Line, Shopgirl, Thumbsucker, Anchorman, Dodgeball, and part of Dirty Harry.

You should immediately drop what you are doing and go read all of these books, and watch all of these movies.


Blogger oneweekend said...

Especially Everything is Illuminated by Jonathan Safran Foer.

4:02 PM, May 19, 2006  
Blogger Noah said...

Black Hawk Down is one of those movies you have to watch once (and only once, due to all the swearing; those of you thinking you could just use a cuss buster will be watching this movie in silence and text, and I'm not joking- you've been warned). Incredibly moving story of these soldiers, just the same. I never knew what kind of stuff our soldiers went through during those battles. I only knew what I saw in the media, which wasn't much, and sure wasn't the truth.

11:46 PM, May 20, 2006  
Blogger Slim said...

1.) Michigan is the worst state in the union. This coming from a guy who has kinfolk in West Virginia. Think about that! Michigan is "Cell Phone Purgatory." Chambers Tour and Percusion Tour has been completly successfull in ruining my life, becuase this year they toured in Michigan. Chelsie got reception in the entire state for about 8 minutes once. I hate Michigan. If I were President of the US, I would sell Michigan to Canada, and then declare War on Canada (I'm actually going to suggest this to George W., since he does whatever he wants to do anyway). There are only about 10% of Michiganders I like anyway. 90% of them are idiotic jerks (I can name names if you should so desire). Nice work in picking one of the 10% Dale, way to be selective.

2.) I just watched "Hotel Rwanda" and Super Size Me." "Hotel" was moving, and I believe that everyone should be required to watch it. I loved "Super Size Me." I have now been inspired to go on a diet. I'm not kidding. I'm planning a diet that I can go on when I get done with summer school. First no soda. Second, no fast food. Third, get off my butt and go do something. That might work.

3.) I just read "Crashing The Borders" for Sociology class. Its about the globalization of basketball. GREAT book. I loved it. If you like basketball, you must read this book. Very well done. I also just read "Dream Land" about the Houston Rockets '93-94 Championship run. I would only recomend this if you like the Rockets. Actually, I love them, and didn't like this book very much. It wasn't that great. I mainly held onto my own memories from the title run.

1:38 PM, May 21, 2006  
Blogger cassiopeiarl said...

How did you like Citizen Kane? I think it ought to be required watching for every American citizen. It is probably one of the top 5 greatest movies (if you're judging theme) of all time.

4:33 PM, May 22, 2006  
Blogger oneweekend said...

Yeah, I really liked Hotel Rwanda, too. You should also watch Constant Gardener. It is about Africa, AIDs, and the pharmacuetical companies.

Citizen Kane was awesome. I need to watch it again before I can adequately comment on it.

(Matty, it is a really old black and white movie starring Orson Welles.)

7:41 PM, May 22, 2006  
Blogger Slim said...

random: while day dreaming in class today, I remember hearing a survey taken back when the film "Titanic" was in its hay day. The film critics listen "Citizn Kane" as the #1 movie of all time. Ever. Period. I should watch it sometime.

3:48 PM, May 24, 2006  
Blogger justinic9 said...

Movies don't get along with summer tour as well as they do with long, boring Wisconsin nights, so I'm still culture-deficient. Books are a little more congenial. I've hit up Lord Jim by Joseph Conrad, Da Vinci Code, some Aristotle in a Barnes & Noble, Pride and Prejudice, and parts of two Donald Miller books (short library/bookstore trips). The exciting news--I just got a copy of all five of the Hitchhiker's Guide. This is gonna be good.

10:35 AM, May 31, 2006  

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