Monday, May 08, 2006


Obligatory congrats to all graduates.
And to Josh, may he live forever; it's about time.
To my wife, I am so proud of you. And now you can be my sugar-momma.

A couple sites that you all should immediately check out:

  • For all of you who enjoy Jackson Pollock

  • Really funny motivational posters

  • REALLY funny parody of the DaVinci Code

  • My threeves will be coming soon.


    Blogger such is life said...

    dale, how do you find these things? i loved the link to "despair,INC". you never cease to amaze me.

    12:57 PM, May 09, 2006  
    Blogger cassiopeiarl said...

    The Despair poster was a personal favorite, and the jackson pollack thing was awesome. I had so much fun. I would have been doing it for like 3 hours if Philip hadn't said, OK RuthAnn, that's enough.

    11:40 PM, May 10, 2006  

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