Sunday, June 11, 2006

Good night and good luck

I am watching the NBA Finals, and I'm pretty sure that the apocalypse is imminent. One of the NBA's "premier" players has missed 14 of 16 free throws and only scored a total of 22 points in the first seven quarters of the finals, and Pat Riley is being out-coached by a guy who was a mediocre point guard just two or three years ago. Unbelievable.

Just to let everybody know, I am no longer being a worthless drain on society. I have a job. I am working at Roundy's in Oconomowoc. So if the posts slow down a little, bite me. More importantly, Jess landed a job at Lake Mills High School teaching English. She was one of over 125 applicants, and was the unanimous choice of the hiring committee. So, yeah, she is officially awesome.

Check out this video on YouTube. It is of the ending of the Mrs. World pageant. It is actually really funny.

Think about this for a minute--why do apple trees produce apples?

Let me know what you think.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since I am a natural skeptic and tend to think that any pageant/game/tournament that has money involved and is on national television is probably rigged, I think it is hilarious that the "rigging" was so blatantly obvious.
And "just fyi," the only sad thing about the whole situation is how seriously people take it. It's a pageant for 40 year old mothers!

6:08 PM, June 12, 2006  
Blogger Slim said...

DWade had the flu. That's what I'm blaming his poor play on. That and Shaq has never hit a free throw. Remember, its the "Hack-A-Shaq" technique for a reason (I'm sorry if that sounds condescending or conceded. I've been reading that for a few days now from smart basketball people who get paid to write about basketball. Could someone please remind me when this man has EVER hit freethrows at a seemingly almost decent rate. NEVER. He never has had to.)
It used to be that he would just power through everyone. Now, he just doesn't have the lift or power. He is a declining superstar. Yao is in fact the best Center in the League now (and thats not just my Houston Rockets bias.....ok so it is a little bit). The Heat have also decided not to play defense whatsoever. I don't know why they refuse to play a 2-3 zone so they can keep a hand in JT's face and constantly double team Dirk. Make Eric Dampier kill you, he won't, I promise. I also would let Josh Howard shoot as many jumpers as he wants too. JT and Dirk, if you play a zone, you can slow these guys down (note: I did not say stop them). MAKE SOMEONE WHO SUCKS KILL YOU. This really is a simple concept that Pat Riely seems to forget. What happened to those defensive teams that he coached in NY and former Miami? And what has happened to DWade? Is he still sick? I don't even give him credit for that. first 3 qs in game one, he killed the Mavs. Had like 20 points at the half. Then, he just....I don't know what. This is the main reason the Heat are losing. Wade is getting upset too (what was up with that uncharacteristic T in game 2??!!). But Dwane will fix things in game 3, score a ton of points by taking it to the hoop, Posey and Walker start making more 3's because of Wade's penitration, Heat win 2 out of 3 in Miami before Dallas raps it up at home. Thats my story.

3:41 PM, June 13, 2006  
Blogger Slim said...

I also forgot to mention that Avery has always been set to be a coach it seems. Sean Elliot said on the Radio a few days ago that he would actually run shoot arounds and practices durring the season. Apperantly, some guys just have it. That and he was a PG, I think that just helps someone understand the game better (I'd like to point out that I was a point guard trapped in Oliver Miller's body, forced to play SF). The thing I don't understand: how can anyone honestly repsect him? I mean really. How? Have you heard his voice? No way I could get through a time out in crunch time with out laughing at him. NO WAY. But I don't have to worry about it.

3:44 PM, June 13, 2006  
Blogger Slim said...

Also, nice reference to a Colony movie that I haven't seen yet? Is it any good? NetFlix is supposed to send it to me soon. And I'm making a threeve list to post soon. I have some issues with yours, which I may have to point out. I'm done now. Really, I am.

3:46 PM, June 13, 2006  
Blogger oneweekend said...

Good night and good luck is an awesome movie. I highly recommend it.

I have to say that I am disappointed so far with DWade and Riley. I hate Shaq with a passion, but I really like Wade. And Riley should be better. He is a better coach than this. He is embarrassing himself. And you are totally right about the 2-3 zone. Let's hope for a better time in Miami.

6:42 PM, June 13, 2006  
Blogger oneweekend said...

And Slim, if your issues with my threeves have anything to do with my denunciation of Jackie Brown, I do regret saying that. Upon further reflection, it didn't really suck. It was very good, I just preferred his other work.

7:47 PM, June 13, 2006  
Blogger Slim said...

OK, the threve thing is semi-fixed. I was shocked when I read "Jackie Brown" and "crap" in the same sentance without refering to the scene where Samuel L. Jackson is whaiting for Max Cherry to come out of the bathroom and says "oh no, you didn't wash your hands." That movie is filled with a lot of cool lines. My brother thinks the greatest scene is between De Niro and the girl (whose name I foget). I won't actually reference what takes place, but the randomness of the whole thing is very classic. I likve "R-Dogs" a lot too. Something about Steve Buschemi. And that scene where the crazy guys cuts off the cops ear. Man that was cool. I've never scene "Pulp Fiction" in its entirity and I've seen chunks on "Bravo" so I know I'm missing good dialouge. I still need to make a threve list just to prioritize various things. Like Foo Fighters albumbs.

Fearless NBA prediction: Dirk scores 35 or more in game 4, leading Dallas to a win, Wade scores 40+ again in game 5, letting Dallas win in Dallas.
And if my Rockets take J.J. Reddick in the draft, you may need to put a suicide watch out for me.

3:42 PM, June 14, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


this has nothing to do with your post, but I wanted to thank you for linking to We greatly appreciate the publicity.

Jordan Green

1:03 AM, June 15, 2006  
Blogger Noah said...

YAY FOR GOD GETTING JESSICA THE JOB!! What an answer to prayer! Also, glad to hear that you got a job, too, but I seem to remember a while back when you came through the Culver's drive through that her job was something you asked me to pray for (though, I don't remember there being any specifics beyond just that she was trying to get a teaching job at the time, since it's been like 2 months since you've come through my drive through :-) ). Anywho, happy working! I will check out both the video and the article. I'm sure it will be another perfect picture of our the travisty of our materalistic, idolatrous society (notice, not godless, idolatrous "And they exchanged the Creator for the creation....").

12:28 AM, June 17, 2006  
Blogger Slim said...

Wow, ok, the Heat proved me wrong, the Mavs collapsed, and DWade took over. Just wow.

I'm still going to go on a homicidal rampage if the Rockets take Reddick with the 8th pick.

3:55 PM, June 19, 2006  
Blogger justinic9 said...

Congrats, both of you.

Um, should we be surprised they rig a beauty contest when results of the NBA Finals are predetermined? Seriously, just look at the foul calls against the visiting team.

And if I were forced to stand around doing nothing for, like, twenty years, I'd probably figure out how to make apples too.

10:51 AM, June 20, 2006  
Blogger cassiopeiarl said...

The Miss World thing was almost too pathetic to be funny. But not quite.
About the apples. (long pause) Never mind about the apples.
I love Good Night and Good Luck. I think it was a great movie. Thought provoking and honest.

3:14 PM, June 20, 2006  

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