Tuesday, January 31, 2006


It is Black History Month. So drop what you are doing, and only teach Black history. Now don't get me wrong. I agree that our present system does not adequately teach African American history. But giving them a month? That is condescending and ridiculous. Are we going to give Asians a month? Our history curricula almost completely ignores Chinese and Japanese civilizations. Native American history? Native American history is ignored, occasionally on purpose. Nobody wants to talk about how our "great American patriots" attempted genocide on entire nations (see: Andrew Jackson). The solution should lie more in trying to build a more holistic curriculum, not in handing out months. African American history is so integral to the full understanding of the evolution of our culture today, that relegating it to a month is insulting and absurd.

In other news, Alan Greenspan is stepping down today. One of the only people in government to be universally respected, ever. Probably because no one actually understands what he is supposed to do, or how he does it.

I have to sleep, so I am not going to say anything else.


Blogger justinic9 said...

No. Read the current issue of Atlantic. Alan Greenspan was a lackey for President Bush. They're hoping to get someone in office who will actually be non-partisan.

OK, seriously, how do you respond to that? Pointing out the fact that Greenspan has received praise (and only praise) from liberals and conservatives, Republicans and Democrats won't make them change their minds. Media bias is driving me crazy. I know I shouldn't expect any better--sin makes us stupid. I still wish the average person wouldn't fall for it. I think Jefferson was right to mistrust the masses.

2:34 PM, February 07, 2006  

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