Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Rasta Josh, may he live forever

Saturday night was Josh's recital. Holy crap. If you weren't there, you suck. It was amazing. He played one of my favorite pieces ever, Mussgorsky's Pictures at an Exibition, among other things. It was incredible.

As well as rocking the house, Josh looked like a total pimp. A tux, with tails, and striped pants. Dead sexy. But nothing could have prepared the audience for the encore. Josh came out wearing the hat that I bought him in Nassau. Yeah, he rocked the rasta hat.

What boggles my mind is how Josh is able to fend off the ladies. Amazing piano skills, mind boggling powers of thought, unmitigatedly pimping outfits... how can any woman not find that intoxicatingly attractive?

After several days of contemplation, I have finally realized why all of the ladies are not throwing themselves at Josh. They have realized that they are not worthy. They cannot match his absurd level of intelligence. That cannot fathom his mystical levels of musical talent. They feel intimidated at the very thought of being asked to interact with such a giant of giftedness.

Therefore, ladies, if someone ever asks you why you have not offered your love, life, and body to the esteemed 4th Ledgerwood progeny, you need only to say, "I am not worthy." That is the only acceptable excuse. No other will suffice. Not even, "I already have a boyfriend and/or husband." Not unless you precede it with, "I am not worthy, besides..."

Seriously, though, I want to take this opportunity to let Josh know how honored I am to be counted as an equal and a friend. I appreciate his honesty, his careful thought, and his unique take on life. Thank you, Josh.


Blogger cassiopeiarl said...

Dale, you are the king of bloggers. May your blogs live forever.
You're right, Josh rocked.

4:15 PM, February 16, 2006  
Blogger Slim said...

Dale, you forgot to mention one factor in Josh's irresistability:

He's pretty fly (for a white guy).

8:14 PM, February 16, 2006  

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