Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Houseguests in an Agatha Chrisite novel

I'm not sure if I am ever going to watch an NBA game again. DWade won two consecutive games on the free throws from questionable fouls called on Dirk Nowitski. Wade also made more free throws than the rest of the team combined attempted. Dallas had every opportunity to tie the game in the final seconds, and one of their best three point shooters bricked the game winner. Props to DWade, but the whole series just felt sloppy. Sloppy and inconsistent. For the teams and the officials.

I am going to help ESPN save Monday Night Football. My plan is simple. Replace Al Michaels, John Madden, or whoever the crap they have as announcers with British guys. Seriously. The British announcers are one of the main reasons I love watching soccer on TV. They have funny accents and they are actually literate, unlike 90% of American sports announcers. Perfect example--during the beginning of today's match between Ivory Coast and Serbia/Montenegro, the announcer said that these teams were like "houseguests in an Agatha Christie novel--disposed of right away."

So I don't know if anybody really caught where I was going with the apple tree question. I actually wasn't just saying something random and weird. It had a real point. Why do apple trees produce apples? Because they are apple trees. They don't have to do anything different than be what they are. And it shows.

We talk about actions all the time. We talk about actions that are sinful, or innappropriate, or just wrong. But the actions don't have anything to do with what's actually going on. They are really an unrelated byproduct of what is going on inside. Jesus talks about this in the sermon on the mount. He talks about how the law makes specific prohibitions about murder, adultery, divorce, honesty, and retaliation. And his point is that all of these things are not the issue. Abiding by the law doesn't make you righteous in God's eyes. Controlling actions is like trying to make pears grow on an apple tree.


Blogger Slim said...

Well, don't worry about Madden and Al Michaels (I've never cared for either). ESPN has Mike Tirrico as the play by play guy, Joe Thiesman as the "ex-football player" color commentator (they'd be better off with a blow up doll, but I don't run the company), and Tony Kornheiser as the third guy. I like 3 guys in a booth. Tirrico is a good guy to do play by play. I liked him doing NBA games. He also does a great job durring "Bowl Week" (did you see highlights from the Michigan/Nebraska game at the Alamo Bowl where they almost had a Cal/Stanford "the band is out on the field" type ending. Tirrico did the play by play and did great with it. I felt). I hate Joe Thiesman. I really do. I think he is a moron. There is no other way around this. The fact that my favorite MNF moment is where LT and Pepper Johnson sack him and his knee pops out of his uniform.....I mean that says a lot. I do love Tony K though. I watched PTI all the time when I was at home (and had cable). He is funny, and I don't always agree with him, but he has good points for his views about sports (then again, he gets paid to do that, so he better be good). I read his articles in the Wash Post a lot. And I listened to his Radio Show when it was on the air. The fact that I know all this is slightly disturbing.

About the NBA: I'm not sure what to about the foul call thing. I mean, it was pretty clear. The thing is, I can't turn away. Its basketball, and I like it a little too much. I'd watch international games if they were aired on cable. I watch people play at the YMCA, the play grounds, whatever. The NBA has the best players in the world, no arguing that. But this is truley a problem. The SportsGuy had some really good articles about this issue.

The other reason I can't turn away: My Rockets are going to trade Luther Head, the #8 pick (whom they will use to select Sheldon Williams, a Dukie I wouldn't mind having) to the Hawks for #5 pick, whom Atlanta will select Brandon Roy from Washington. Roy will be a great player, he is the most pro-ready player in the draft, and he can play along side T-Mac and Yao. He becomes instant insurance if T-Mac's back craps out again, he can shoot, he can drive to the hoop, and he is a good size (6'6" 210lbs). With Yao becoming the best center in the league (even if it is by default....and he is pretty good...I'm predicting a 25/15/3 season from him), T-Mac as an already top-5 player in the league talent (I don't think he is top 5, but he has the talent. he just needs to stay healthy), this team is going places. I wish they didn't have to give up Luther. I like him a lot. I wish they could trade J Howard who hasn't been the same since the Fab Five, or since he tried to sign that HUGE contract that was voided by the NBA because the Heat were too far over the cap leading to him getting a HUGE contract from someone else and being traded like 37 times. I actually, I wish they could trade Stromile Swift. I would be more productive at PF than Swift. I hate that guy. I was so hyped when they signed him, seemed like and ideal fit. The problem is that he is a idiot, doesn't understand defensive rotations, and can't do anything but dunk (can't create his own shot or shoot for that matter), goaltend whilie going for a block, or pick up a stupid foul because he didn't rotate on D properly.

I really think I need a new hobby.

3:55 PM, June 26, 2006  
Blogger cassiopeiarl said...

I was all excited when I saw your title, because I love Agatha Christie, but what's this? Another post about sports. What a disappointment.

(Not that I am in anyway trying to censor your ability to post whatever you feel like. After all, I have my own blog.)

9:32 PM, June 27, 2006  
Blogger oneweekend said...

Actually, only 2 of the 4 paragraphs were dedicated to sports-related issues.

I wasn't neccessarily saying that the fouls weren't legit, I just felt that the NBA finals should not be decided by plays like that.

I share your hate of Joe Thiessman. I find no reason to allow him to continue living. But I can dig Tony K. He is relatively funny and opinionated.

10:47 PM, June 28, 2006  
Blogger justinic9 said...

To get my take on the NBA finals, I refer you to my comment on your last post. I'm all for the foreign announcers, too. I had the pleasure of hearing an Irish announcer call one game--pure joy. I'd sell a valuable possession including, but not limited to, a corporal appendage to hear an ESPN commentator who even knows who Agatha Christie was/is (what's your opinion?). Need I tell you what I'd give to hear one calling players blokes and criticizing their play as bloody rubbish? It might even be enough to make me a sports fan.

12:44 AM, July 01, 2006  
Blogger oneweekend said...

That Irish guy is delightful. Seriously, I have thought about it for a while, and that is the only appropriate adjective.

Honestly, my question of whether or not I will ever watch an NBA game is rhetorical at best, and probably verging on insincere. By the time the preseason starts (in like 3 weeks)I will have forgiven all.

9:42 PM, July 01, 2006  

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