Thursday, February 16, 2006

Dick Cheney shot a man in the face-gate

Ok, I can't help it anymore. I have to post about it.


No, wait. I'm sorry. He "peppered him pretty good." IN THE FACE WITH A SHOTGUN.

And he didn't even tell anybody about it. Somehow he thought it would be better to wait 24 hours and then have the owner of the ranch leak it to a local newspaper. umm, yeah.

Then, his buddy, WHO HE SHOT IN THE FACE WITH A SHOTGUN, had a heart attack as a result of bird shot traveling into his heart.

But wait, he decided to open up to the public and answer the tough questions. Just kidding. Actually he just went on Fox news. And talked about the importance of accuracy. ACCURACY--YOU JUST SHOW SOME DUDE IN THE FACE WITH A SHOTGUN!!!!!! He also said that it was one of the worst days in his life. OH YEAH? WHAT ABOUT THE GUY YOU SHOT IN THE FACE WITH A SHOTGUN???

I have to admit, I am a little biased. I hate Dick Cheney. I think he is the result of a steamy night of passion between Hitler, Satan, and Madame Guillotine. I really don't like him. So I guess I'm really not surprised that HE SHOT A MAN IN THE FACE WITH A SHOTGUN.

In other issues, I have been thinking about the Danish/Muslim cartoon uproar. And just as I was about to explain what I was thinking, someone said it better. So check out the article here and tell me what you think.


Blogger cassiopeiarl said...

I think it has a fairly Ted Kennedyish feel to it. I would, however, like to hear why you are so opposed to Cheney. Most people think he's not so bad (as, for instance, Bush).

4:13 PM, February 16, 2006  
Blogger Slim said...

You forgot a name in your "Evil Love Triangle" (though I suppose adding him would make it a love square): Darth Vader. Remember the debate he had with John Edwards last year (actually, you probablly don't because I think you were in Iraq at the time)? Edwards was all nice and charming. Cheney? Mean and scowling.

2 possitive notes about Cheney shooting another person in the face:

1.)There is no way he could ever get the Republican nod for Prez in '08 (I don't know if he would have got it anyway, but this really hurt any chances he had). I mean, if I were Howard Dean, when I wasn't screaming the capitals like a 4th grader, I would just start yelling "He shot a dude in the face!" What would have happened if it were Cheney vs. Hilary? Eww. I need a shower.

2.) We now have the ability to give our public officals ridiculous nick names. First, there was Teddy "Hicup" Kennedy. Now there is Dick "Bang-Bang" Cheney. I like this a lot.

8:19 PM, February 16, 2006  
Blogger justinic9 said...

Yeah, I'm not really a Cheney fan either. And the situation is a little screwy. OK, it's incomprehensibly absurd. I think you're missing one key element of absurdity, though—the media reaction.

I have to post.

9:19 PM, February 16, 2006  

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